Kineticus Sportmed

Спортско-медицински тестирања

Специјалистичка ординација по спортска медицина кој ги применува и спроведува сите принципи на превенција и лекување на учесниците во физичка активност и спорт според препораките на Еврпското (EFSMA) и Светското (FIMS) Здружение по Спортска Медицина

Kineticus Sportmed

Спортско - медицински тестирања

Прва здраствена установа во Република  Македонија која го применува новиот концепт "Рецепт за вежбање", со кој знаењата и експертизата од областа на спортската медицина се применуваат во превенција и лекување кај целата популација и сите заболувања

Fitness Template

The Most Influential Health & Fitness

If you’ve wanted to cook healthier meals, lose weight, or get some self-help advice, chances are you’ve looked to a brand or a person to help guide you on your journey. And there's a very strong chance that person.

The Force Gym

To The Body of Your Dreams

Fitness Care Gym isn’t anything like a regular chain gym. The class based sessions are challenging, innovative, and fun led by highly talented trainers.


Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking. Capitalise on low hanging fruit to identify is technically term by the late Joe Weider over 50 years ago.

Грижејќи се за вашето здравје во духот на нашето лого "Кinetikus", односно "подвижен", го спроведуваме европскиот концепт на примена на физичката активност и спортската медицина во заштита и унапредување на вашето здравје

This workout from Fitstar will rev your metabolism and gear up for the day ahead.Think a good strength workout takes hours in the gym? This 20-minute.

+ Спортско-медицински тестирања

+ Спортска рехабилитација

+ Кинезитерапија и корективна гимнастика

+ Ортокин терпија

+ Исхрана и суплементација

+ Рецетп за вежбање

+ Amfit дијагностика за изработка на индивидуални ортопедски влошки

Работно време:  

Понеделник до Петок   -  08.00 - 16.00 часот

Сабота и Недела не работиме

The Harrison twins are International Fitness Models and Personal Trainers. They have been training and you have a vast amount of knowledge on diet and training and how to get the best results possible for their clients.

Why a high protein diet of 1.5g per pound of bodyweight has significant muscle building and weight loss benefits without any harmful effects.

Your body is smart. Eventually, it will adapt to the stress of whatever training you are using and stop responding. Your 3 sets of 10 reps might work fine initially, but they won’t work forever. Your training needs to be smarter than your body. My programs are designed to keep the body stressed and responding, so you will keep getting results.

Why my supplement company, JYM Supplement Science forced the industry to change. Ending common practices like protein spiking, prop formulas, and concentrated formulas.

And much, much more that you can discover when you take your free 7 day trial membership as well as the app included with your membership.

20 Minute Body is more than just workouts, it’s mind over body and finding your


20 Minute Body is more than just workouts, it’s mind over body and finding your


  • Lost Fat
  • Gain Strength
  • Build Muscle

The biggest muscle building mistake people make is training like a bodybuilder And they rarely built the bulk of their muscle size with the routines they do now. That’s why bodybuilding routines don’t work for most people.

And much, much more that you can discover when you take your free 7 day trial membership as well as the app included with your membership.
Forget about pump and soreness. Instead focus on adding weight on the bar. If you don’t lift more today than last month or year, you’re not building muscle.
Do Compounds. Do exercises that work several muscles at the same time. The bulk of your routine should consist of heavy Squats, Bench, Deadlifts, Overhead Presses and Barbell Rows.

That’s why bodybuilding routines don’t work for most people. This is what works. The biggest muscle building mistake people make is training like a bodybuilder And they rarely built the bulk of their muscle size.

Do Compounds. Do exercises that work several muscles at the same time. The bulk of your routine should consist of heavy Squats, Bench, Deadlifts, Overhead Presses and Barbell Rows.
And much, much more that you can discover when you take your free 7 day trial membership as well as the app included with your membership.
Forget about pump and soreness. Instead focus on adding weight on the bar. If you don’t lift more today than last month or year, you’re not building muscle.

You don't have to take my word for it. A number of top bodybuilders from yesterday and Johnnie Jackson, Stan Efferding, and even Arnold their careers as powerlifters. These men first trained for strength before becoming bodybuilders.

You’ll get stronger which will increase your overall muscle mass.You’re not building muscle. Forget about pump and soreness. Instead focus on adding weight on the bar.
Do Compounds. Do exercises that work several muscles at the same time. The bulk of your routine should consist of heavy Squats, Bench, Deadlifts, Overhead Presses and Barbell Rows.
And much, much more that you can discover when you take your free 7 day trial membership as well as the app included with your membership.

Rule #1: Eat A LOT of Protein

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets.

Rule #2: Eat Frequently

Our gym is equipped with modern fitness equipment at any sporting objectives. This vasat training will become more productive, and the risk of injury is minimal. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Our gym is equipped with modern fitness equipment at any sporting objectives. This vasat training will become more productive, and the risk of injury is minimal. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Rule #3: Get Ample Fats

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets.

Our Products

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged

Our Products

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged

Daily Multivitamin for Overall Men's Health 70 Active Ingredients Convenient Tablet
Loaded with 1,250 Calories Vitamins and Minerals to Pack on Pounds
1,250 Calories per Serving, 50 Grams of Protein per Serving
Properly dosed formula to provide you with the right ingredients at the right time.
Amino-Blend Including Arginine the Building Blocks of Lean Muscle
Phyto-BlendOver 20 Fruit & Vegetable Concentrates EnzyME-Blend 4 Digestive Enzymes

Optimum Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein - Packed With 100% Whey Protein Isolates Instantized Always 100% For Muscle Recovery & Growth!



10 Consecutive Years of Award Winning Quality, World’s Most Trusted Sports Nutrition Brand.
Properly dosed formula to provide you with the right at the right time.
Instantized to Mix Easily Using Just a Glass & Spoon Over 20 Different Flavors to Choose From
4 Grams of Naturally Occurring Glutamine and Glutamic Instantized Acid

Daily Multivitamin for Overall Men's Health 70 Active Ingredients Convenient Tablet
Loaded with 1,250 Calories Vitamins and Minerals to Pack on Pounds*
1,250 Calories per Serving, 50 Grams of Protein per Serving
Properly dosed formula to provide you with the right ingredients at the right time.
Amino-Blend Including Arginine the Building Blocks of Lean Muscle
Phyto-BlendOver 20 Fruit & Vegetable Concentrates EnzyME-Blend 4 Digestive Enzymes

Optimum Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein - Packed With 100% Whey Protein Isolates Instantized Always 100% For Muscle Recovery & Growth!



10 Consecutive Years of Award Winning Quality, World’s Most Trusted Sports Nutrition Brand.
Properly dosed formula to provide you with the right at the right time.
Instantized to Mix Easily Using Just a Glass & Spoon Over 20 Different Flavors to Choose From
4 Grams of Naturally Occurring Glutamine and Glutamic Instantized Acid

Daily Multivitamin for Overall Men's Health 70 Active Ingredients Convenient Tablet
Loaded with 1,250 Calories Vitamins and Minerals to Pack on Pounds*
1,250 Calories per Serving, 50 Grams of Protein per Serving
Properly dosed formula to provide you with the right ingredients at the right time.
Amino-Blend Including Arginine the Building Blocks of Lean Muscle
Phyto-BlendOver 20 Fruit & Vegetable Concentrates EnzyME-Blend 4 Digestive Enzymes

Optimum Gold Standard 100% Whey Protein - Packed With 100% Whey Protein Isolates Instantized Always 100% For Muscle Recovery & Growth!



10 Consecutive Years of Award Winning Quality, World’s Most Trusted Sports Nutrition Brand.
Properly dosed formula to provide you with the right at the right time.
Instantized to Mix Easily Using Just a Glass & Spoon Over 20 Different Flavors to Choose From
4 Grams of Naturally Occurring Glutamine and Glutamic Instantized Acid

3 Step Process to
get started

Follow these 3 simple steps to start your journey to a fitter, happier and healthier lifestyle.

3 Step Process to
get started

Follow these 3 simple steps to start your journey to a fitter, happier and healthier lifestyle.

Step one

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries

Step Two

Our gym is equipped with modern fitness equipment at any sporting objectives. This vasat training will become more productive lorem ipsum and the risk of injury is minimal.

Step Three

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries

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Get in shape now!

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